le 5 mars 1901
J.G. Couture, notaire (Joseph Gonzague)
no. 10407
Campbell, N. (notary)
Couture, J.G. (Joseph Gonzague) (notaire)
Gibsone, Georges Farrar (notary)
Hicks, Sara (widow of Herbert Pope)
Menier, Henri
Pope, Agnès
Pope, Allen
Pope, Edward
Pope, Gilbert
Pope, Grace
Pope, Lessie
Pope, Roberta
Devant le notaire J.G. Couture
The representative of the late Edward Pope to Henri Menier
Came and appeared dame Sara Hicks de Montréal, widow of the late Herbert Pope, of the place called south-ouest Point in Anticosti, lighthouse keeper, Grace Pope, and all... which are called the vendors of the first part and Henri Menier, reporéseneté par Georges Farrar Gibsone of Quebec, the party of the second part;
have agreed together;
whereas the late Edward Pope, the land belonging to the federal government for lighthouse and telegraphic purposes.
whereas the said late Pope made improvement to certain land, at South west Point situated outside of the limits of the said land of the federal government, the said improvements consisting more especially of the clearange of 6 acres of land and the construction of three wooden buildings or stone house.
whereas the second part under deed passed before N. Campbell, notary, 6 th december 1895, is the owner of the island of Anticosti, and more especially of those portions thereof upon which the said improvements where made by the said late Pope...
whereas the said late Edward Pope, departed this life on the 29 june 1893 leaving all this estate is usufruit to his wife, Dme Julian and ownership to his children has appeared by the will dated 5 september 1873, probate thereof was duly granted by the protonotaire of the Superior Court for the distric of Saguenay on the 15 day of 1...
whereas on his deceased the said Edward Pope, left the following children Herbert, Grace, Agnès, Lessie, Allen, Percy, Gilbert and Roberta.
whereas the said Gilbert Pope, Roberta Pope, departed this life in testate and unmarried and consequently the said dame Sara Hicks as universal legatee of her late husband Herbert Pope, and the said Grace Pope, Agnès Pope, Lessie Pope, Allan Pope...
that the said party of the first party for the consideration of 225 dollars currency, paid to them by the party of the second part, the receipt where hereof acknowledge by the ...