Sale by Annie Julyan Pope & Herbert Pope, es-qualite to Henri Menier
le 7 mai 1900
J.G. Couture, notaire (Joseph Gonzague)
no. 10040
Bélanger, J. (notary public)
Comettant, Lucien Oscar (Governer of Island of Anticosti)
Couture, Joseph G. (notary public, Quebec)
Duchesneau, Jacques
Dunn Thomas
Gagné, J.A. (Judges for the Superior court for the prov. of Québec)
Menier, Henri Émile-Anatole (Paris, France)
Pope, Annie Julyan (widow of Edward Pope)
Pope, Edward Edwin
Pope, Herbert
Pope, Percy (enfant mineur de Edward et Annie Pope)
Tessier, C. (notary public, Quebec)
Before me Joseph G. Couture the undersigned Notary Public for the Province of Quebec in the Dominion of Canada, residing and practising at the City of Quebec in the said Province, personnaly came and appeared:
Dame Annie Julyan of the place called The South West-Point in the Island of Anticosti in the said Province of Quebec, widow of the late Edward Pope in his lifetime of the same place, lighthouse keeper.
And Herbert Pope of the same place, lighthouse keeper, the former acting in her qualité of Trutrix and the latter in his quality of Subrogate Tutor to Percy Pope a minor child issue of the marriage between the said late Edward Pope and his said wife, under a certain Act of Tutorship dated at the said South West Point of the Island of Anticosti on the twelfth day of October Eighteen hundred and ninety nine, homologated by the Prothonotary of the Superior Court for the District of Saguenay on the seventeenth day of the same month, registered in the Registry Office for the County of Saguenay on the twenty fourth day of the same month no. 627 - The said Dame Annie Julyan Pope and the said Herbert Pope being duly authorized for the effect hereof under and in virtue of a Judgment rendered by the Honble. J.A. Gagné, one of the Judges for The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, exercising his Judicial functions for the District of Saguenay, on the twenty fourth of October now last past (1899) who declared to have sold as by these presents they do sell, assign, transfer, convey and make over with legal warranty and with immediate possession, unto Henri Émile-Anatole Menier of the City of Paris in France, Manufacturer, represented and acting by Lucien Oscar Comettant, actually residing at the place called Baie Ste-Claire in the said Island of Anticosti, the Governor of the said Island of Anticosti, therein residing and the Agent of the said Henri E.A. Menier, the one undivided sixteenth share or part or whatever undivided share or part which the said Percy Pope may have or claim in and to a certain lot of ground described in the French language as follows:
Une terre située en la dite Île d'Anticosti à la Grande Baie de l'Ouest, contenant dix arpents de large sur le Golfe St-Laurent, trente-six arpents de profondeeur sur une ligne courant Sud trente trois degrés quarante cinq minutes Ouest, au bout de laquelle profondeur la dite terre aura dix arpents de large sur une ligne courant Nord cinquante six degrés quinze minutes Ouest et de la mer une ligne courant Nord, trente trois degrés quarante cinq minutes est vingt-quatre arpents à revenir au point de départ sur le Golfe St-Laurent, contenant en superficie trois cents arpents aslaid down on a certain Plan of the said Baie de l'Ouest annexed to a certain Act of Concession of the said land by the Honble. Thomas Dunn and others Co-proprietors of the fief or Seigniory of the said Island of Anticosti to Jacques Duchesneau passed before J. Belanger, Notary Public on the twenty ninth day of October Eighteen hundred and eight with the right of fishing and hunting on the said land.
To the said Percy Pope the said undivided share of the lot of land belonging as one of the heirs at law and legal representatives of his father the said late Edward Pope and of his late brother Edward Edwin Pope, as set forth in a Declaration of heirship made before C. Tessier, Notary Public at Quebec on the thirty first day of August Eighteen hundred and ninety six.
The present Sale is thus made for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty Dollars current money of Canada, which the said Vendor declared to have received from the said Purchaser before the execution of these presents. Whereof Quit, Dont Quittance Générale et finale.
Done and Passed under the number ten thousand and forty of the minutes of the said notary and signed by the said Annie Julyan Pope at her said residence, by the said Herbert Pope on board of the steamer «Aberdeen» in the port of Quebec in october last past 1899 and finally signed and closed by the said O. Comettant as Attorney as aforesaid and by me the said notary on the seventh day of may in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred, these presents having been first duly read according to law
Anne Julyan Pope
Herbert Pope
L.O. Comettant